Friday, November 16, 2012

What are YOU up to CURRENTLY?

Friday, Nov. 16 – Currently. Share with your readers what you’re into at the moment. Check out this post for ideas:

That is the topic for today's blog of the day, Day # 16 in a 30 day quest to COMPLETING THE TASK!

It has become easier, but with that question comes disdain that if you heard what I am really up to, you might not believe it.

Following the format Javacia has posted~ here are those answers. Try this for yourself!


WATCHING~ not much television. I am still a bit overwhelmed by the election.  We watch Modern Family, Raymond, In the Middle and got into REVENGE a few weeks ago asking, "who lives like this?" to find that SOMETIMES...WE DO, whether we want to or not.

LISTENING TO: The sound of my printer, my dog snoring, the fire crackling, and my stomach rumbling as I dig into this Reese's cup.

PLANNING: Art projects to be put in a local business next week~ all for babies rooms.
Finishing the illustrations I am doing for a client's book. Four down and the cover to go!
Yet another "career" avenue for me!
A laid-back, Christmas for ourselves AFTER we hit the ground running on our upcoming projects for dinner parties, tree decoration and office decoration.

THINKING ABOUT:  Five days in the WOODS~ by a fire, with great friends and family~ a turkey and some dressing and PEACE AND QUIET (if you can drowned out the sound of kids on four wheelers)
Alabama and Auburn Football
Fishing and cooking up some fried goodies on Saturday
Ideas for wreaths and holiday decor (getting good ideas from the woods) and the article I am writing
(Read my latest on CONFEDERATE MOTORCYCLES on the web this week at the link above)

I am looking forward to getting creative on these jobs we have upcoming with our new endeavor
Fluff! Designers.  We are decorating homes and businesses for Christmas. The first one on the books is a holiday dinner party. We have a number of "design my Christmas tree" requests.
Seeing our Norwegian exchange student Amalie in March at Seaside for SPRING BREAK. It has been three years!

Writing every day has helped my mood, my energy, my motivation. I have gotten more create in every realm, including cookie decorating. The brain is a marvelous thing, the more it does, the more it wants to do, or so I find.
The idea that the holidays are coming up is making me happy.
Cold nights by the fire and my little Coco sitting with me watching Ann Kathryn dance around to Christmas music (yes we started that before Halloween) makes me happy. Shelton healthy and in a good mood makes me happy. Brent coming home for Thanksgiving (Bringing his roomate in the honors dorm from China~ Mo) makes me happy!

READING:  I am always reading. Every morning my kindle checks me off on about four or five different devotionals. That is somewhat like my writing. The more I do it the more I am able to. The days I skip I wish later I hadn't. I use Bible ap on kindle and phone. In carpool, I can always catch up and get a peaceful moment alone with God.

I have about four writing technique books open on kindle and am reading The book of Useless Information each day~ don't know why, but it clears my head before diving into my WRITING.

I am writing more than ever with the help of classes and workshops. It motivates me to be with like minded writers.

I added this one~ I am praying for peace for my family~ peace for America and divine leadership. I am wanting a vacation in Jan. to somewhere warm...and have that one planned, Championship or NOT.
To send hugs to Alica and Amalie~ our foreign daughters~ and their families during Thanksgiving~ the holiday they don't celebrate at home (Germany and Norway)

and NOW~ as the 3 pm bell is about to to take a child to a BIRTHDAY PARTY!


To hear what YOU are doing CURRENTLY!


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