Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Night OUT on the Town

I took this as a literal "NIGHT OUT/ NIGHT OFF" :)

This entire weekend I have celebrated BABIES.

Saturday night I went to a CHUGGIES AND HUGGIES shower. I remember those days when I was much younger and even the wedding showers were all "brew" themed.

I must be getting older because after time around the fire, a piƱata, and treats from a hot dog truck (such a cute party idea) at this one, instead of karaokeing with the young crowd, we went home and went straight to sleep.

Today on Sunday (yes, I did skip yesterday's blog, but not off topic) I went to ANOTHER BABY SHOWER. Love was surely in the area about APRIL/ MAY for my friends, both due in January.

And to stay on TODAY'S THEME OF FAMILY, I will stick to the hope and promise for my sweet friends beginning theirs.

I remember my first little muffin as he tried to come out backwards. Thank GOD for epidurals. He took about eight hours to arrive, but a soon as I saw him I forgave him for all of the mashing those nurses did  on my belly to help push him into this world. We were mesmerized, he was all that mattered, all life stopped for at least a week as we cooed and gooed over him. We had started a family.

Babies bring promise, and a sense of purpose. When we create these magical little beings, all crisis at work, the environment, the to-do's, the cleaning, the laundry, go to the back burner.  At least they do for a tiny time, a tiny magical time before attempting to get them on schedule, figure out why they are crying, how to attach those diapers, and keeping them on a sleep/ feeding routine without the help of the nanny. I remember crying as she left through the front picket fence. It slammed shut behind her and my world fell apart. Until the next day, when I realized, I could do this!

Those are the triumphs we remember. The triumphs that come when we realize we can overcome anything, even playing second fiddle to something much smaller than we are who quickly consumes our world. I think someone brought me a little happy one afternoon (thanks Sonya) but for the most part, even now at age 19, he is center stage. I look back at how fast it all went by, like sand in my hands, the harder I grasped it, the faster it slipped away.

All three of our children are so different, with unique traits and gifts. It is something I love, to see all the things we desired to do, come naturally to them, each in unique ways. It is the way God designed life. The things we cannot do, they take the ball and run with. This from a woman who has tried to play guitar both left handed and right. Both ways I scriggle my tongue and can't figure out how to reach the frets. He picked it up and plays it about as well as that piano he is studying to master in college. His sister plays by ear and sings beautifully. The "baby" who is seven, doesn't play instruments and is one belt away for her black belt at seven and is more organized than I am, making herself lists each morning.

I look forward to the next chapter of our family, and I guess in the not too distant future these baby showers I am experiencing again with friends will be those for my children. Wow grandmother. That is a thought I will have to ponder over a glass of wine and lots of sleep. I am now able to sleep whenever I like (minus commotion from a dog or two). That is surely the luxury that does NOT come with babies.



i even mastered the "diaper cake"~

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