Thursday, November 15, 2012


Thursday, Nov. 15 – Why I Blog.  At this point you’ll be halfway through #bloglikecrazy. But are we crazy for blogging like crazy? What’s the point of blogging when the blogosphere is so saturated? Why do you blog? Feel free to check out this post for inspiration:

Blogging a day has been so freeing! 
It blends my daily morning journaling exercise I was doing before with some order to it! Javacia provides a topic I am free to run with, or not. It gives me a chance to sort through my ideas on topics I might not have even considered thinking about. 
Today is blog #15 and through the journey I have met new bloggers in our area, and learned more fully about the diversity of opinion, especially on election day. We tend to live in our tight circles and as we get older it seems, we spread ourselves further from those that are not like us. 
This blog journey has opened a virtual neighborhood that includes many ages, stages in education, some just married, some just beginning a family, some independent, some liberal, some conservative. As we read each others blogs we realize that in each person is a unique makeup, a divine structure that makes this world a diverse place.
How refreshing to know most of all, that as we all have our opinions, each respects the others and in some cases, we are shown an alternative way to view a situation or topic.
It is half way time~ the 50 yard line of blogging and I am standing right above the spot of the coin toss!
I intend to make it to day #30 and who knows if I will continue each day after that, but I do know it has been a challenging yet rewarding journey. As the holidays creep in on me I will get a chance to see just how much discipline I have! 
Thanks Javacia!


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