Sunday, November 4, 2012

Putting Christmas Before Thanksgiving~

I have to admit, I wrote this paragraph for this blog PRE-Halloween!  I am NOT a halloween fan. I do not like goblins, goulds, mean people.  I am all about the Christmas music, from Bing to Motown.  I am all about the roaring fire and the hot cocoa.  I even wrote a book about it.  

Today is November 4 and we are in the mood to decorate for Christmas at our house.

Our problem is we can’t find a tree on Nov. 4.  What is with THAT?

We love to visit the Christmas Tree farm and pick out trees.  The first year we moved into the house, our first big family blended Christmas with all of the kids we picked a tree so large it hung off our SUV.  It stood in the center of the field just like the one on the Griswold Family Christmas show.  We weren’t freezing in snow but our kids were certainly complaining like kids do, until they spotted THE ONE!


OK, we can put it ON the car!

The ceremony to get it in the house took three men and a chainsaw. It was the ice breaker for our new found friends and neighbors to puff like roosters and show their trimming and dragging skills.  When we stood it up in the overlook which measures more than eighteen feet, we found we had to cut three feet from the top. Yes, really.

And as you may imagine....cutting the cords was a shock when the branches reached about ten feet around!

It is a memory we still talk about. Our daughters, now fifteen and sixteen, were only seven and eight. They still talk about how they would scale across the balcony to throw ornaments towards the tree because the ladder we had was not tall enough.

That year would have been a great one for me to have a service help with the decor.  I had a one year old too.

It served its purpose, setting new ground in the Adams Family of over the top Christmases and memories in the place we call home. 

That year I did not have Pinterest. I did not have a subscription to more than two dozen magazines.  I didn’t have time for ideas or much less to be able to plan dinner.

My life has come to a great place.  I am ready to enjoy the Fluff! of life.  The little extra that puts things over the top. The candy cane tree that looks good and tastes good too.  The hot cocoa with marshmallows carved in an A for Allison or Adams or Ann Kathryn or America. The slice and bake cookies (notice I am not saying re-create the wheel...just EMBELLISH IT WITH THE FUN PARTS!) covered in sprinkles and fun squirty easy sweet decoration.

I'll have next week and the week after to prepare being that I am on lockdown for a tree for now.....

So FOR TODAY I GUESS instead of decorating for Christmas,  I WILL SPEND IT AT THE ROCK MOSS FESTIVAL....
savor the seasons as they FALL.

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