Yesterday Chad and I were trained in SUSHI rolling...
We are opening our new FRESH SEAFOOD MARKET in Crestline
on tentatively (depending on inspections...) FEBRUARY 20.
The new awning should arrive the first of next week!
We can't wait to see everyone there!
63 Church Street
We will offer FRESH market seafood for you to take home and prepare at home (we will have a RECIPE wall so you can grab a good one with your fish (recipes free of course)) and will have many gourmet items to use to make your seafood dining experience at home a TASTY one. Grab a bottle of wine or some import beer and you are off to a great dinner!
Send me your favorite recipes or a good seafood secret and we'll quote you on the board!
At lunchtime, if you are in the mood for seafood...stop in for gumbo or the soup of the day served in bread bowls, a bit of sushi (if I'm in..look for creative twists in the menu :) I'm an artist COOK! or grab a veggie roll.
We will bake fresh bread daily and be making our own waffle cones.
Don't forget fresh tuna dip (and other dips) in the fridge...
And you can ALWAYS zip through the alley (call ahead) and we'll bring steamed shrimp...with many season options (curry, barbque, smoked, or cajun blend to name a few) We will have gourmet tartars and sauces for your seafood too!
After 3 PM, send the kids in, for free popcorn in the old fashioned popcorn cart and ice cream (soft serve happYmess flavors)
Flavors: cherry, chocolate, peanut butter (not from Georgia:), Strawberry, Cheesecake, Mint, Mocha Cappucino, Blue GOO, bubble gum and cotton candy
(put in your suggestions to GIVE THEM THEIR HAPPYMESS NAME!)
You create your happYmess ice cream blend from up to 8 flavors in colorful rainbow swirls and top with your favorite topping..from pop rocks, oreos, or gummy worms to the old faithful vanilla cream with sprinkles. Grab a coke from the old coke fridge like we used to see in our Livingston grocery stores!
We hope you will appreciate the "community store" atmosphere we are trying to offer and hope you will just come hang out!
Watch for our monthly newsletter starting in March (available to pick up in the store) for fun HOLIDAY
we are always celebrating! or check the blackboard out front! These are REAL holidays!
Opening weekend: National Clam Chowder day,
Feb. 23: National Personal Chef day..a great day to branch out and cook for your sweetie
Feb. 24 Mardi Gras...come in for a purple green and yellow swirl!International Pancake day
Feb. 25: Ash Wednesday and National "Inconvenience Yourself" Day
26: National Levi Strauss Day, For Pete's Sake Day (name Pete? come in for a free cone!)
27: Rabi'l
28: Floral Design Day (work at a florist? come in for a free cone)
It is also NATIONAL TOOTH FAIRY DAY...lost a tooth this week? bring some proof (or lack of..) and get a free cone!
And remember, EVERY Birthday person gets a free cone on your special DAY!
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