Sunday, June 1, 2008


I haven't written in a while...
Wow the end of another school year has FLOWN!

We wound down with as many "gal parties" for my 12 year old as we could pack in...
a spend the night party....a pool party with "all of the girls", a bible school extra-va-ganZA....three nights with two or three girls from the neighborhood....

And my son....he spent it...playing some guitar...playing video games and watching movies, spending the night out with a buddy....being HAPPY AS A PEACH, A CLAM with time to do just whatever he liked.

What is it about girls that makes them want to "run in packs".
Moms are no different.....

We had our usual "gals birthday dinner" at Highland's here in the Big City of Birmingham in May. (yep...Taurus!)

Some of my friends from Montgomery and my sister had a night at Ginsea (chef from in Birmingham, ALABAMA), full of laughter...the kind that makes your stomach hurt.

I heard Oprah tell an audience once that you extend 7 years to your life by laughing with your girlfriends on a regular basis...when hens get together...there is something that is actually excreted in the brain (endorphin) that extends your life...lowers stress...

I love my girlfriends...and have a few on the coast that I don't see as often as I wish to.

But when I go down to the beach, I give them a call...and we catch up just where we left off...

My girlfriends from Tri Delta at the University of Alabama just spent the reunion at the beach...four full days of laughter....I had another commitment but had a huge chuckle reading the summary my good friend Donne sent out to everyone. It will be etched in stone next year....

Friendship is something we all cherish.

I have the honor with the magazine I write for to interview celebrities and I have found that so many of them go back HOME to be with their friends. They may have one or two where they are, but they all reflect on friends and family that have been with them through thick and thin and these happen to be their "old friends".

I am blessed with old friends, new friends, and so many friends that pray with me and for me each and every day. I have found that the depth of a friendship is not measured in countless hours of "being with each other" but by "countless seconds it takes them to be there when you are in need". They are the ones you drop everything for just to chat about a day that seems too big for them to manage. The ones you know, really know...laugh with, cry with...and at the end of it matter still love each other like family.

Thank goodness those moments of need have been SHORT and FEW in my life, but I sleep well at night knowing that I am blessed with an army of incredible friendships.

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